We make hiring
a little easier.
Let’s give it a try!

Start Posting a Job in 3 simple steps

  • 1

    Check the price

    Our Price Calculator facilitates efficient quote generation, automatically delivered to the sales team for review.
  • 2

    Confirm Order

    Expect quote confirmation within 2 business hours. Urgent inquiries: [email protected].
  • 3

    Make Payment

    Please confirm your payment by sending email to [email protected]

Price and Package

Job postings remain active for one week. The posting duration can be extended for an additional week by using one additional post credit.

Job Posting Inquiry:

How to post a job, Calculate your job post budget, Price and Package

[email protected](+856) 20 28034427(+856) 20 22217639

Financial Inquiries:

Confirm your payment, Request for Invoice / Reciept

[email protected][email protected](+856) 20 22217636
Copyright © 108-1009 Group Co., Ltd. | 1st Floor, 108Hill Building Dongpaina Road, Saphanthong Village, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.